The small size of a man’s penis often causes problems in the family related to the lack of an adequate sex life of the spouses. Often, sexual dissatisfaction is even the reason for divorce, because taking a break is one of the basic human needs.
But what to do if nature has not endowed man with an impressive size of dignity? Is it possible to correct this injustice and how to enlarge the penis?
Modern medicine and traditional folk methods provide such an opportunity. But the effectiveness and safety of each existing method varies from particularly effective to completely useless.

Surgical magnification
In this case, the penis, figuratively speaking, is dismantled by the surgeon into its component parts. The head is separated from the cavernous corpuscles and the resulting space is filled with cartilaginous tissue. It is horrible to even imagine such a thing, not to mentionYou are allowed to do this on your own. The method allows you to immediately enlarge the penis by about one and a half centimeters, but at the same time is full of any disadvantages associated with surgery - the risk of infection, postoperative scars, painful sensations that last until the wounds heal completely and subsequently arise due to weather changes. It is not necessary to withdraw from the accounts and risk the unsuccessful outcome of the operation. The surgeon may also be in a bad mood, may have headaches or the consequences of yesterday’s trip to the bath with friends. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, it's possible, but it still works, he wants to eat every day. All these risks are justified only for medical reasons during the operation, for example, when it comes to people who have an extremely small penis from birth or due to trauma to its anatomical structure and functions.
How surgery that can enlarge the penis works
A man comes and says: Doctor, I want to be great. Then the doctor conducts a conversation, discusses everything in detail, be sure to talk about sexual needs. It happens that they think about surgery because it is impossible to realize their dreams or sexual fantasies: for example, sex with a woman of distinctive forms.
It is very important, as with other plastic surgeries, to adequately assess whether the surgery will help achieve a specific goal. All physicians will try to avoid surgery if they see that the patient’s expectations do not meet the actual capabilities of the surgery or the physician’s actions will be ineffective.
Surgery can increase the length and diameter of the penis.
Length is the easiest. This surgery and it means cutting the ligament of the penis stopper.
Today, surgery is the main method that doctors recommend for penis lengthening. In their view, it is optimal for the patient in terms of the degree of risk. Although, in fact, this does not apply to genuine extension operations. They simply increase the angle between the penis and the pubis by terminating the ligaments. Thus, the penis simply moves forward and an enlargement effect is obtained.
The effectiveness of this surgery largely depends on the compatibility of the tissue, therefore, to increase the chances of success and prevent scarring, doctors recommend that the patient wear the device before and after surgery, along with medications that affect tissue stretching.
2 months before surgery, they start wearing the device, then a half-hour operation, and then another three weeks with the device. In total - a little less than 3 months for everything.

In diameter, everything is more complicated for the patient, but more interesting for the reader.
It is possible to increase the diameter of the penis by 2 centimeters, which is quite important. Two methods are widely used. The first, most common, is caused by the patient’s own tissues.
It is arranged like this: part of the muscle tissue is taken from the back or rectum of the abdomen and transplanted to the penis. In fact, part of the muscle is wrapped around the penis, and then the blood vessels are sutured to restore the blood supply.
Such an operation is called microsurgical. The patient then needs to rest for a week.
The second method looks like this: they take the fins from the area of the nest and place them along the bodies of the cave. In other words, the penis is wrapped like a muscle tissue transplant, but in this case the doctors do it without microsurgical technique, so the recovery period is easier: no strict bed rest is required and the patient spends only a few days. Clinic.
There is a way to increase the thickness of the penis using silicone implants - penile endoprosthetics. This is the least dangerous method and the surgery itself is similar to breast plastic surgery, only individual implants, they are made specifically for the patient.
In all cases, the choice of method depends solely on the patient's preferences. The doctor is obliged to warn where the scar will be, what complications and consequences may occur in order for the person to make an informed decision.

What are the risks
Despite the seeming simplicity of surgery and the simplicity of recovery, in addition to the standard risks associated with any surgical intervention, there is a risk of serious complication: if the doctor is overly involved and inaccurate, he can damage the artery, condemning the patient to impotence. Therefore, choosing a clinic and a doctor who will guarantee the result is the most important part of the operation.
The main thing when choosing a clinic is to pay attention to a balanced conversation with your doctor. He has no right to promise to triple his penis or to say in advance how many centimeters it will become. Physician caution is the key to surgery success.
Surgery is often combined with public canal liposuction, which together gives the best effect in overweight patients. Based on the experience of physicians, patients will be more satisfied with penis lengthening surgeries. As for the likelihood of re-surgery, such a need often arises when the extension of surgery is combined with an increase in diameter, and usually, such a desire arises in the patient during the long postoperative period.
However, in addition to health risks, patients are concerned about their own reputation and the anonymity of surgery. This question can be easily solved: "Apart from the law that protects the patient, which states that the doctor can not advertise any kind of intervention, there is also significant contact between the patient and the doctor. Has trust been formed between you? Do you think that a doctor has decent moral qualities, which in principle will not allow him to talk about surgery? Does he tell you in detail about other patients? Does he mention their names? Or will he just give you similar examples? By default, your doctor is not allowed to discuss your surgery with anyone. However, if the patient is overly concerned about this, then, in terms of psychological comfort, he or she can specifically say that he or she is not interested in advertising this story. "

Hormone therapy method
Penis enlargement with the help of pharmaceuticals, particularly hormones, is effective only in adolescence and is prescribed by an endocrinologist for genital development pathology. In this case, it is necessary to consider many factors and contraindications to avoid the side effects of hormone therapy. In adulthood, such a method will have zero efficiency, but it can seriously impair the work of the endocrine system, which will be very difficult to correct in the future.
Vacuum expansion method
It is not a means of enlarging the penis as such, as its effect, though noticeable, does not last long. The vacuum method is based on creating a vacuum around the penis and stretching it in a way that expands the capillaries and fills them with blood. To better understand the effect of this method on penis enlargement, we can recall the usual cups that were placed on the back to take blood from the site of inflammation and thus treat a cold. Barbarism, which involves, for example, the rupture of capillaries and, at best, the formation of bruises at the site of vacuum impact. As mentioned above, the effect of using the pump lasts only two hours. It is worth imagining the unfortunate man who, right before sexual intercourse, instead of prophesying, acquires this unfortunate pump on himself! And laughter and sin!

Mechanical methods
Mechanical methods are quite safe and effective, but require quite long and regular training. There are many of them (Polynesian, Taoist, stretching method, etc. ), but the principle is common to all - the principle of aging, when the penis grows methodically and regularly in length. The effect depends on the patience of the man, as the work is quite laborious and long, lasting up to a year or longer. With the tool offered on our website, the process is more efficient! But the increase in penis length is almost unlimited, of course, within reasonable limits. 40 by 10 inches is not really useful. You should do this five to seven times a week for fifteen to twenty minutes. An obvious plus of using mechanical methods of penis enlargement is the availability, free of charge and, as already mentioned, efficiency!
Method of preparation
It is a modern type of hand-made methods for enlarging the penis and is a device that methodically, for a long time, stretches the length of the main male organ. To achieve the result it is necessary to carry the drug for several hours a day for six months or more, but, unlike mechanical methods, it does not require constant attention. You can carry the device and do household chores or relax. The average result in six months is 2-3 centimeters. Not as much as we would like, but we all know that miracles happen only in fairy tales and it is unrealistic to add ten centimeters of penis length a day, however we like. Perhaps it is more effective to use the drug after a special operation to release the inner part of the penis only, but the dangers of surgery have already been mentioned above.

The use of the drug has virtually no contraindications and side effects
In conclusion, it can be noted that the most effective and safe methods are time-tested. You should not believe an ad that promises to be unrealistic because we all know that product advertising is the engine of a trade and its purpose is not to help people but to sell any goods and services that do not always live up to their promise. Therefore, it is better to choose a long-lasting but safe and effective method than one that promises fast results but does not guarantee safety and a successful completion of penis enlargement!