Hello Friends! If in all previous articles I talked about hand exercises, then in this article we will talk about a vacuum pump - a special device for enlarging the penis.
Attention!In this article, my goal is to introduce you to the principles of using a vacuum pump for penis enlargement. If this is your first time reading this, then I strongly recommend that you start your expansion journey with a vacuum pump - this is by far the best option. Moreover, by starting the pump from the beginning, you run the risk of stopping the growth.

What is a vacuum pump?
The vacuum pump was originally designed to combat erectile dysfunction. Penis enlargement was a side effect. On what principle does this device work?
Vacuum pump- This is a transparent cylinder, a flask that has an inlet but no outlet. More precisely, there is an exit, but it is a small hole to which a hose is attached. A thin hose, in turn, is attached to the pump to pump air out of the flask. The pump is often presented with cheap hand pumps, as, for example, it happens in the cheap pumps of sex shops. Luxury pumps are equipped with a special pistol-pump with a pressure gauge that controls the pressure in the flask.
The principle of operation is simple:
- The penis is inserted into the flask.
- Press the flask tightly towards the pub.
- Air is evacuated from the flask using a hand pump. A negative pressure, or, as they say, a vacuum, is created in the flask. As a result, the cavernous bodies are filled with blood, causing an artificial erection.
After the pumping session, the member maintains an erection for a certain period of time, allowing them to have sexual intercourse with the use of erection enhancers or an erection ring.
However, users of vacuum pumps have noted that after pumping sessions, the member looks more massive than usual. As it turned out later, the use of a vacuum pump did indeed enlarge the penis, but not for long: at the end of the day the penis was always taking its previous size. After researching this, sex device vendors began selling the vacuum pump as a penis enlargement device. This is how the vacuum pump gained popularity.
Mechanisms of penis enlargement during pumping
Temporary increase
What causes the pump to temporarily rise?
- Mechanism 1.With an extended (you will learn about kits time later) pump, the elastin fibers in the penis tunic are stretched. This allows the cavernous bodies to store more blood, thus increasing the circumference of the penis. After a few hours, when the elastin fibers still get to their previous length, the circle of the penis will return to normal.
- Mechanism 2.The second mechanism of penis enlargement is lymph outflow. During ejaculation, not only a lot of blood but also lymph will flow into the penis. It is concentrated subcutaneously (in the anterior skin), causing e. The so-called "donut" effect after the pumping session. During the first lessons of the pump, the lymph flows more strongly. Later, the amount of lymph during the pump is significantly reduced. In general, the lymph is not dangerous and is not a negative sign. Your penis through the lymph ducts and everything will return to normal. If possible, make sure the amount of lymph is not excessive.
Growing constantly
For constant increase, you need to combine the use of a pump with hand exercises. Then, with special pumping modes, it will be possible to stretch the tunic and then "pump" the caves in a cycle. With each competent task, a vacuum pump can successfully handle each task.
The vacuum pump can be used as a stand-alone device, or it can be combined with a main manual program. The second option is preferred.
By using a pump with manual drills, you can achieve much greater results by increasing the frequency converter. Thus, with the help of a vacuum pump it is possible to increase both the length and the circumference of the penis.
Pump faces
Packing- This is the tunic stretching mode. The packaging requires a narrow flask in which the erect member cannot swell the width, so the force of the vacuum pulls it along the length. This method allows you to increase the length of the penis, as well as stretch the tunic.
Classic pump
Classic pump- This is pumping into a wide flask. The force of the vacuum in such a flask causes the width of the member to swell and the cavity to fill to the brim with blood. This method of pumping with a stretched tunic helps to effectively enlarge the penis membrane.
How to create a training program for each purpose? Read the next article.
Safety rules for working with a vacuum pump
A vacuum pump is a very effective way to enlarge the penis. However with careless use you will only get injuries and darkening of the penis. Please read this article carefully before using the device.
Under no circumstances should you break the following rules:
- If you experience pain, stop the pumping session immediately. Find out what causes the pain. If the cause was an injury, then wait for a full recovery until the next session. If the cause of the pain was, for example, skin tightening, the problem should be resolved and the pumping session should be resumed.
- Never rush. Do not bring the pumping session to pain! Increase the pressure (more precisely, decrease it as a vacuum is created in the flask) smoothly, from week to week. The secret of growth is not in insane loads, but in constant competent training.
- By no means do I want to convey that I recommend for the mother to be inactive for more than 40 minutes. One hour is the time limit for light workload. It is necessary to approach slowly at this time. With prolonged vacuum, blood stops circulating freely in the penis, causing the cells of the penis to begin to die. I will talk about pump progression below.
- Do not pump too often. The pumping session is a very nice thing: the pump member collapses to an impressive size, which is nice to watch. However, you do not need to pump 3 times a day. Your goal is to enlarge the penis and not to admire the temporary effect. Too often exercise hinders growth. Therefore, follow the training schedule, which you will learn about in a later article.
It was my duty to warn you of possible gross errors when pumping, but do not be in a hurry to panic. The penis is amazingly strong, its damage is quite difficult. With proper exercise, the risk of injury is zero.
Vacuum pump training program
Consider two training programs:
- The first program is aimed at stretching the penile albumin.
- The second program aims to "pump out" the caves.
Two different flasks are required for each of the two programs. The hose and air pump are universal for any flask. The first type of training requires narrow packing. How to choose the size of the flask according to the size of the penis can be found on the internet.
Protein Membrane Stretching Program (Length)
The wrapping flask should be narrow enough: the erection penis is not swollen in width when wrapped, the walls of the flask limit the expansion, instead the penis is extended in length.
პროგრამაTeaching program:
- Testicular massage - 5 minutes.
- Steam heating - 10-15 minutes.
- Light straight stretches in all directions - 10-15 minutes.
- High tension rope - 10 minutes.
- Rope or A-stretch (as you prefer). You can turn on the reverse push here as well as sit on the member.
- Light Jelki - 50 repetitions. Before you start ejaculating, you need to prepare your penis for ejaculation. Jelq is perfect for this purpose. Dry or wet jelly that you like.
- Packing. We will now describe in detail how the pumping session is carried out.
Packaging procedure
Bring the penis to 80-90% erection, lubricate it with cream or liquid oily jelly, then insert it into the flask and press tightly towards the pubis. Try not to get Vaseline on the scrotum, otherwise it will be absorbed into the flask. If this happens, do not wait: Remove the flask, wipe the scrotum with a towel, and re-insert the penis into the flask. If friction prevents stretching, then lubricate the inside of the flask with sliding cream-oil. Sliding should be 100%.
There is a pressure gauge on high quality pumps, this indicates the pressure in the pump. I can not give you the optimal pressure readings, because for some 4 units will seem like a tangible load, while the other will not feel anything. You need to control your blood pressure for another reason: you need to know what to start with so that you can increase the load smoothly and not go too far.
The member in the flask will be stretched to its entire length. Follow your feelings. Stop the set if pain occurs.
Exercise kits
Rest for 3-5 minutes between sets. Light stretching is possible at this time. Before the next set, bring the penis back to 80-90% erection.
- The first set.Spend the first set on a light load: Do not try to pump out all the air to maximally stretch the penis on the first approach. If you start gesturing again, it will stop growing. Everything has its time. Do a light workout for 10 minutes.
- The second set.You can slightly increase the pressure in the following set. This is where the pressure gauge comes in handy: Look at the gauge and raise the pressure slightly. Also give 10-15 minutes for the second set.
- Third set.Do not increase the pressure for the third set, but increase the time to 20 minutes. You have to feel good about the whole set. გარეშეWithout screaming!
After sets
Once the packaging is still light jelq, literally 30-50 light repetitions. Do not try to make a full heavy gel as per the vascular program. In this case, you need a jelq to increase blood circulation because the blood stops in the penis during pumping.
Then do medium strength straight lifts for 5-10 minutes.
Measure the BPFSL setting before and after exercise. If there is a WUP after the workout, you are doing everything right. If not, still read the articles carefully and analyze your exercises.
At the end of the workout, rub the penis in an ambulance for bruises and bruises or similar ointments.
The training is over. The schedule is preferably 2/1 or 3/1. Never forget to relax, but neither should you be lazy. Observe the condition of the penis, exercise competently, diligently, listen to the master. Jones and your penis will definitely grow.
Increase the load
Now about increasing the load a bit more. The whole week should not exceed the specified load. The first set is simple, 10 minutes, the second set has a slightly increased load and also 10-15 minutes, the third set with the same pressure is 20 minutes. In a week, slightly, slightly increase the load for the first set, therefore, the second set will be with even greater load, the third set with the same pressure, but already 20 minutes. The scheme is simple.
So from week to week, gradually increase the load. This will help you get the best results. After a few weeks, when you gain experience, then increase the duration of the sets to 15 minutes in the first set, 20 minutes in the second, and 25 minutes in the third.
With enough experience, you can update and modify your curriculum based on the examples I have provided.
Continue the tunic stretching course until the difference between BPFSL and BPEL increases by 2 cm or more, then continue the vascular cycle. However, if you read all the previous articles and did it right, then you already know it.
Vascular program using a pump
List of exercises:
- Testicular massage - 5 minutes.
- Steam heating - 10-15 minutes.
- Direct traction of medium strength - 5 minutes.
- Jelq - 100 repetitions.
- Erection curls - 10 minutes.
- Sitting on a half-erect member - 10 minutes.
- Pumping session.
Command of behavior
The pumping session on the vascular cycle is exactly the same as on the tunic cycle, with the only exception that the flask in this case is wide, not narrow, and the penis ages. The session time and the principle of increasing the load are exactly the same. You can always re-read this material.
Make pushes between sets. 10-15 push-ups between sets will suffice. The combination of vacuum pump and thrust gives only fantastic VUPs. Perform the blow carefully. If you feel that the load is too great, then slow down and reduce exercise.
Finally, make a light jelq to improve your circulation.
The training is over. At the end of the exercise, lubricate the penis with emergency ointment for bruises and bruises or their equivalents. Schedule 2/1 or 3/1.
With the help of this program, after a tunic stretching cycle, I was able to increase the penis membrane by 0. 5 cm per month. It was a good result! Then the growth slowed down, after which I switched to the tunic stretching cycle again.
Be attentive to your genitals. If you feel that the member is not ready for such a load or has not recovered, relax.
To track the effectiveness of exercise, you can measure the circumference of the penis before and during exercise. However, you should try to measure it before the member is filled with lymph. The enlarged circumference by the lymph does not affect us. We need a clean WUP. And the bigger the difference between the measurements at the beginning and during the workout, the better. If the difference grows from week to week, you are on the right track.
A few important points
Now let's look at a few important points during a classic pump.
Moment 1 - Hand Exercises + Pump
The vacuum pump is the perfect addition to a basic exercise program and enhances the effect of exercise. You should not switch to a single use pump - it will be a wrong decision.
Moment 2 - Lymph
During the pump exercise, the penis is strongly "filled" with lymph. The first lymph exercises may be longer, after a few sessions it will not "flood".
If the lymph is large, then the set can be divided into two stages, with a pause of 30 seconds between stages.
To avoid large amounts of lymph, pumping a condom will allow you to. Yes, do not be surprised. In a condom, the skin is tightly compressed, which prevents lymph from collecting under it. This will not affect the overall effectiveness of the training.
Moment 3 - Healing creams
You should use a healing cream at the end of the workout. This will help the red spots heal faster and prevent penile darkening.
Moment 4 - Blood pumping
During the classic pump it is advisable to drink aspirin before exercise (Approx. Ed.Consult your doctor first). This increases blood flow and prevents blood clotting.
During exercise with an increased load, a few small drops of blood may come out of the urethra. This is caused by damage to the vessels of the urethra. In this case, end the session immediately and rest for two weeks. At rest, take the drug "Ascorbutin" to strengthen blood vessels or a proven analogue. You should also take vitamin E.
Resume exercise after a two-week break, but start gradually: After a two-week light workout, return to a full workout.
Moment 5 - Sex after exercise
I find that sex or masturbation after exercise is not worth it. Relax for yourself and your member. Next time have sex.
Moment 6 - Darkening of the skin
With active classic pumping the skin of the penis can be slightly darkened. This happens when the conditions described by me in the program are not observed: warming up, load adequacy, use of creams after exercise. In any case, an eclipse is not a painful sign. I have described the mechanism of darkening in previous articles.
Words and wishes of separation
Friends, you already know a lot about penis enlargement. I'm sure you have already achieved the first results, the first centimeters. Keep practicing and you will achieve even more.
You will not notice that the duration of the exercises described by me exceeds an hour. Yes, it is quite long, but at this point it is necessary. After the initial growth, after the first centimeter, it becomes more and more difficult to achieve greater growth. The member adapts to the loads, so the exercise is also difficult. But do not lose heart, everything is in your hands!
Whoever wants to, he will achieve. No one promised it would be easy. Patience friends and growth!